

0% Finance’s
share of Textron
2016 revenues

The Finance segment provides financing primarily to customers purchasing Textron Aviation aircraft and Bell helicopters. Textron Financial Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries comprise the Finance segment.

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Key Data

(Dollars in millions) 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Total finance receivables1 $976 $1,135 $1,289 $1,548 $2,074
60-Day + delinquency 4.23% 6.24% 4.55% 5.39% 4.65%
Nonaccrual % 9.20% 7.60% 6.46% 7.08% 7.39%
Debt to shareholders’ equity 5.75x 5.22x 4.75x 6.01x 4.74x
Revenues $78 $83 $103 $132 $215
Segment profit2 $19 $24 $21 $49 $64
Total assets $1,280 $1,316 $1,529 $1,725 $2,322
Dividends paid to Textron Inc. $29 $63 $ — $ 175 $ 345
Capital contributions paid to
Finance group $ — $ — $ — $1 $240
  1. Finance receivables include finance receivables held for sale.
  2. Segment profit for the Finance segment includes interest income and expense along with intercompany interest income and expense.

Sources of Funding

Finance Receivables

Citation Latitude Citation Latitude
Bell 407GXP Bell 407GXP
Cessna Grand Caravan EX Cessna Grand Caravan EX
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