
Textron Aviation

0% Textron Aviation’s
share of Textron
2016 revenues
Cessna Denali Cessna Denali
Beechcraft King Air 350i Cessna Citation Latitude
Cessna Citation Latitude Beechcraft King Air 350i

Textron Aviation is home to the Beechcraft, Cessna and Hawker brands, and continues to be a leader in general aviation through two principal lines of business: aircraft sales and aftermarket. Aircraft sales include business jets, turboprop and piston engine aircraft, as well as military trainer and defense aircraft. Aftermarket includes commercial parts sales and maintenance, inspection and repair services.

Revenue by Region

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Sales Breakdown

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By Customer
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By Product Line

Key Data

(Dollars in millions) 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Textron Aviation
Units delivered:
Business jets 178 166 159 139 181
King Airs1 106 117 113
Caravans 84 102 94 105 107
Piston engine1 262 312 290 223 283
Backlog $1,041 $1,074 $1,365 $1,018 $1,062
Revenues $4,921 $4,822 $4,568 $2,784 $3,111
Segment profit (loss)2 $389 $400 $234 $(48) $82
Segment profit margin 7.9% 8.3% $5.1% (1.7)% 2.6%
Total assets $4,460 $4,039 $4,085 $2,260 $2,224
Capital expenditures $157 $124 $96 $72 $93
Depreciation and amortization $140 $134 $137 $87 $102
  1. 2014 reflects deliveries of Beechcraft aircraft after the acquisition closing date of March 14, 2014.
  2. In 2015, segment profit (loss) included included the following pre-tax items: $12 million of amortization expense related to fair value step-up adjustments of Beechcraft inventories sold during the year. In 2014, amounts included $63 million negative impact from fair value step-up adjustments to Beechcraft inventories sold during the year. In 2013, amounts included $28 million in severance costs. In 2012, amounts included a $27 million charge related to an award against Cessna in an arbitration proceeding.

Revenue Details

(In millions) 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Aircraft sales $3,412 $3,404 $3,182 $1,868 $2,318
Aftermarket 1,509 1,418 1,386 916 793
Total revenues $4,921 $4,822 $4,568 $2,784 $3,111

Major Products

Seating Capacity
(including pilots)
Speed (kts)
Range (IFR w/
NBAA reserves)
(in millions)
Cessna Citation Jets  
Mustang 2006 6 340 1,200 $ 3.4 Pratt & Whitney PW615F Garmin G1000
M2 2013 8 404 1,540 $ 4.5 Williams International FJ44-1AP-21 Garmin G3000
CJ3+ 2014 9/10 416 2,040 $ 8.0 Williams International FJ44-3A Garmin G3000
CJ4 2010 10/11 451 2,170 $ 9.0 Williams International FJ44-4A Collins Pro Line 21
XLS+ 2008 11/14 441 2,100 $12.8 Pratt & Whitney PW545C Collins Pro Line 21
Latitude 2015 11/11 446 2,700 $16.4 Pratt & Whitney PW306D1 Garmin G5000
Sovereign+ 2013 11/14 460 3,190 $17.9 Pratt & Whitney PW306D Garmin G5000
Citation X+ 2014 11/14 528 3,450 $23.4 Rolls-Royce AE3007C2 Garmin G5000
New Jet Development  
Longitude Targeted 2017 11/14 476 3,500 $23.9 Honeywell HTF-7700L Garmin G5000
Hemisphere TBD     4,500 TBD Safran Silvercrest Honeywell Primus Epic
Cessna Caravan 1985 9/14 186 1,060 $1.9 Pratt & Whitney PT6A-114A Garmin G1000
Cessna Grand Caravan EX 2013 11/14 185 9012 $2.2 Pratt & Whitney PT6A-140 Garmin G1000
Beechcraft King Air C90GTx 2010 7/9 272 1,260 $3.6 Pratt & Whitney PT6A-135A Collins Pro Line Fusion
Beechcraft King Air 250 2011 9/11 310 1,740 $6.2 Pratt & Whitney PT6A-52 Collins Pro Line Fusion
Beechcraft King Air 350i 2010 10/12 312 1,796 $7.3 Pratt & Whitney PT6A-60A Collins Pro Line Fusion
Beechcraft King Air 350iER 2010 10/12 303 2,455 $8.5 Pratt & Whitney PT6A-60A Collins Pro Line Fusion
New Turboprop Development  
Cessna Denali Targeted 2019 8/11   1,600 $4.8 GE Aviation Advanced
Garmin G3000
Cessna 172S Skyhawk 1998 4 124 640 $0.4 Textron Lycoming IO-360-L2A Garmin G1000
Cessna Skylane 182T 1996 4 145 915 $0.5 Textron Lycoming IO-540-AB1A5 Garmin G1000
Cessna Turbo Stationair T206H 1998 6 161 703 $0.6 Textron Lycoming TIO-540-AJ1A Garmin G1000
Cessna TTx 2013 4 235 1,250 $0.7 Continental Motors TSIO-550-C Garmin G2000
Beechcraft Bonanza G36 2005 6 176 920 $0.8 Continental Motors IO-550-B Garmin G1000
Beechcraft Baron G58 2005 6 202 1,480 $1.4 Continental Motors IO-550-C Garmin G1000
Beechcraft T-6 1998 2 316 1,382 N/A Pratt & Whitney PT6A-68 Esterline CMC 3000

2016 Business Jet Price Points

(Dollars in millions)

Citation Product Line Competition
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Citation Mustang $3.4Phenom 100E $4.2HondaJet $4.5Citation M2 $4.5Citation CJ3+ $8.0Phenom 300 $9.0Citation CJ4 $9.0Learjet 70 $11.3Citation XLS+ $12.8Learjet 75 $13.8Gulfstream G150 $15.7Citation Latitude $16.3Legacy 450 $16.6Citation Sovereign+ $17.9Legacy 500 $20.0Citation X+ $23.4Citation Longitude $23.9Gulfstream G280 $24.5Legacy 650E* $25.9Challenger 350 $26.7Falcon 2000S $28.9
Source: B&CA 2016 Purchase Planning Handbook edition and Textron Aviation Data. *Based on ERJ Company press release.

Pre-Owned Citations for Sale

(As a percent of fleet)

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Aftermarket Sales

(Dollars in millions)

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