Selected Financial Statistics 2023-2021

(Dollars in millions, except where noted and per share amounts) 2023 2022 2021
Income Statement Data
Revenues 13,683 12,869 12,382
Segment profit(1) 1,327 1,136 1,064
Corporate expenses and other, net (143) (143) (150)
Interest expense, net for Manufacturing group (62) (94) (124)
Special charges (126) (25)
LIFO inventory provision (107) (71) (17)
Intangible asset amortization (39) (52) (51)
Gain on business disposition 17
Non-service components of pension and postretirement income, net 237 240 159
Income tax expense 165 154 126
Effective tax rate 15.2% 15.2% 14.4%
Income from continuing operations 922 862 747
Diluted EPS from continuing operations 4.57 4.01 3.30
Special charges, net of tax 0.47 0.08
LIFO inventory provision, net of tax 0.40 0.25 0.06
Intangible asset amortization, net of tax 0.15 0.19 0.17
Gain on business disposition, net of taxes (0.08)
Adjusted Diluted EPS—Non-GAAP(1) 5.59 4.45 3.53
Balance Sheet Data—Manufacturing Group
Cash and equivalents 2,121 1,963 1,922
Accounts receivable, net 868 855 838
Inventories 3,914 3,550 3,468
Property, plant and equipment, net 2,477 2,523 2,538
Goodwill 2,295 2,283 2,149
Total assets 16,195 15,629 14,960
Total debt 3,526 3,182 3,185
Total liabilities 9,451 8,724 8,320
Total company shareholders’ equity 6,987 7,113 6,815
Non-GAAP Cash Flow—Manufacturing Group
Net cash from operating activities of continuing operations—GAAP 1,270 1,461 1,469
Less: Capital expenditures (402) (354) (375)
Plus: Total pension contributions 45 49 52
Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment 18 22 3
Manufacturing cash flow before pension contributions—Non-GAAP(1) 931 1,178 1,149
Cash Flow Items—Manufacturing Group
Depreciation and amortization 395 396 380
Net cash used in acquisitions (1) (202)
Net proceeds from business disposition 38
Net change in debt 341 (32) (525)
Dividends paid (16) (17) (18)
Purchases of Textron common stock (1,168) (867) (921)
Total number of shares purchased (in thousands) 16,169 13,075 13,533
Key Ratios
Segment profit margin 9.7% 8.8% 8.6%
Selling and administrative expense as % of sales 9.0% 9.2% 9.9%
Inventory turns (based on FIFO) 2.9x 2.9x 2.8x
Debt-to-capital (net of cash)—Manufacturing Group 17% 15% 15%
Stock-Related Information
Stock price at year-end 80.42 70.80 77.20
Dividend payout ratio 2% 2% 2%
Dividends declared per share 0.08 0.08 0.08
Other Statistics
Number of employees at year-end 35,000 34,000 33,000
Average revenues per employee (in thousands) 391 379 390

Segment profit, Adjusted diluted EPS from continuing operations and Manufacturing cash flow before pension contributions are Non-GAAP measures that are defined on page 17. A reconciliation of segment profit to GAAP is provided on page 14.